Life With Triplets

Life with Triplets is never boring. They conspire, grow and get into anything and everything! Luckily for them, they're cute.

Location: New Jersey, United States

Monday, August 14, 2006

Get them started early

I was always slightly spoiled, but never spoiled rotten. There’s a distinction to be made there. My mother definitely would not have allowed it. That being said, I never did housework. Mostly, it was due to a variety of craftiness. I figured out that if I “did it wrong” then I wouldn’t be allowed to do it at all. All I can say is that really taught me a lesson!! Actually, it did because I wound up being a less than worthy housekeeper. So, Bruce and I have sworn that the boys will have chores and will do housework. After all, what good is having three kids if you can’t put them to work? (WINK!) That being said, Evan loves to sweep. So, his grandparents bought him and his brothers brooms at the dollar store and cut them down to baby size. The boys really enjoy sweeping, and one of their new words is “broom.”

Now that I’m mentioning the boys talking, I have to say that Early Intervention is going quite well. Evan and Will get developmental intervention twice a week to work on their speech mostly as well as to get them caught up on the other skills. Bobby gets physical therapy once a week and developmental intervention once a week. They are all trying to talk a lot now. They love to point things out in books or stores or the park. Sometimes they repeat the names of things and sometimes they totally spontaneously identify something. William pointed to a blue truck in the mall parking lot the other day and said “da da.” When I acknowledged that it was a truck like Bruce’s, he responded with “boo” which is Will talk for blue. Bobby is starting to follow his brothers around. It’s something that I never thought I’d see considering how long it took him to even crawl. He’s catching up so nicely.

In other news, I’m taking the boys to the Cape May Zoo tomorrow along with my parents. It should be a nice day and the zoo is free! Evan especially loves animals. Will and Bob seemed to enjoy Popcorn Park Zoo when we took them in the beginning of July, so it’s not an “Evan” trip. I hope that I won’t be too wiped out tomorrow and I’ll be able to post something about it. I’m now off to pack up for it.

The next trips in our plans are to see an air show in Atlantic City (they’re flying over the boardwalk) and back to Thomas the Tank Engine in Strasburg, PA.


Blogger ilyse said...

Dana, I am so glad that I found your blog (you posted on someone else's that I posted on and I clicked on your link). I know you posted on my blog one time and I have been wondering how you have been doing. I am glad to see that all is going well. I will be checking back regularly. Have a great time at the zoo tomorrow!!

5:23 PM  

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