Life With Triplets

Life with Triplets is never boring. They conspire, grow and get into anything and everything! Luckily for them, they're cute.

Location: New Jersey, United States

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Too Early!

It’s 1:30 in the morning. The boys and I have been up for at least a half an hour. Will woke up crying and somehow woke his brothers. After the third time going in to settle them, I made them some bottles and turned on their lullabies. Lying in bed, I began to write this blog entry in my head. It would not go away, so I had to write. I think I’m addicted.

I also started thinking about Deadwood (the HBO show, not the actual town at first). Then my non-awake brain started to wonder how the writers knew what the people’s conversations were so accurately! Ack! It took a good fifteen minutes for my brain to focus enough to realize that although the show is based on history, it is actually fiction and that 99.99% of the dialogue is made up. It’s a little scary that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

A few months ago while watching a news magazine like Dateline or one of the others, they showed the town of Mankato. I immediately thought of Little House on the Prairie and said to myself, “Wow! That place has really changed.” My next though was, “Well, it should after all this time.” Hello! TV set!!!

They aren’t asleep yet. I hear a crib being shaken. I’m starting to wonder if it will be one of those days when their therapist Cindy is amazed at how functional I can appear with little sleep. I have told her in the past that I have no choice. Stupidly, I don’t nap when they do. I eat or watch my soap, but I never nap. Bruce is up now, too. Evan won’t settle even with the bottle and neither will Bobby. Evan is now reading to Stitch. Bobby is talking to his teddy bear. I’m wide awake and I’m sure Bruce is wishing I would stop typing and shut off the computer. He gets back to sleep so easily. With them still fussing, I can’t. I’ve almost fallen down the stairs too many times going into them half asleep (like tonight). Here’s hoping they get back to sleep soon!


Blogger dawn said...

I like you should sleep when the girls nap and I don't. I watch soaps, catch up on email and do all the other things that can usually wait. I fell out of bed half asleep the other night trying to get to the girls who were fussy. Oh and they were in their bouncy seats on the floor next to the bed.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Tina / Anxious Changer said...

I would LOVE to know someone who actually napped while their child was napping. Haha! Easier said than done! Hope you are having some better nights since this one!

6:28 AM  

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