Life With Triplets

Life with Triplets is never boring. They conspire, grow and get into anything and everything! Luckily for them, they're cute.

Location: New Jersey, United States

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Making the Most of a Beautiful Day

Okay, so the title is a slight homage to Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Wasn't yesterday gorgeous??? I'll take 70 degrees in January! Now to just convince the Mister that winter is bad....

The day started out normal enough. We fed the boys, got them dressed and went off to Target on a mission to get my parents an anniversary gift. The boys were very patient as a somewhat slow kid set out to get us a "nicer" box than the one that was out on the shelf. Of course, playing peek a boo with them kind of helped things. By now you know me, so you know it wasn't "normal" peek a boo. It was hiding behind the cart and jumping out peek a boo (which the boys love!). Definately not a thing you do when there are other patrons around! Anyway, the kid finally came along, we looked at some more stuff, and then headed home for lunch.

They demanded a nap when we got home, passing on lunch for later. Since it was 11:30, that was fine. Or so I thought. It seems that the three of them refuse to eat lunch if they don't get it before nap-even if they refuse to eat in favor of said nap. Nothing short of standing on our heads helps this.

Anyway, they got a surprise visit from their silly Pop who had happened to be on the highway that parallels our house. I'm sure he still has no idea how he got to our house and what roads he took. After Pop left, we herded the kids outside to play in the yard. I felt like we were wasting the day by being in the yard, so we headed down to Belmar. I felt brave and daring (since most of my in laws live there now). Bring 'em on!

The boys had lots of fun on the climber on the beach. Then, the bigger kids starting kind of stepping on them, and Bobby headed to the top of the climber where the fence gap is. Ack! Of course, I had to then climb up the rungs and through the "hole." The kids looked at me as if I were strange. Since it's not a new look for me, I paid almost no attention and slid the boys down the slide to Bruce.

Off we went in search of waves and sand. They kept calling the sand "dirt" and were really interested in the feel of it. They also met some very nice boxer dogs who were bigger than them! Bobby went walking up and said, "Hi, Doggie!" It's his thing now to say hello to everyone. It's cute! We played almost an hour in the sand, and without an inlaw in sight, we headed home. I can't wait to do it again!


Blogger Jessica said...

Just checking in to see how you are doing. Do you miss that 70 degree weather as much as I do. As I feel the draft from the window and see flurries outside.... haha
Glad you had a good time when it was warm.
Anything new with the move?

4:59 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I left another comment but I lost it... saying we posted at the same time on eachothers blogs... funny! I didn't realize they were only 3 months older than ME, I guess they look big to me in pics... but then again, all babies are compared to ME.
Anyway, what are the bday plans? any?

5:02 PM  
Blogger Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Sounds like you and the boys had such a great time! We need to see some pics!!!

9:30 AM  

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